Some are claiming that social media is trying to censor a video of a 16-year-old German girl who is earnestly afraid to go out in the streets for for of being attacked by migrants. The German girl explains in her video the multiple embarrassing and quite dangerous experiences she and her friends have endured.
She is obviously frustrated in the video, frustrated with her government’s seeming blase attitude to the problem, frustrated with Muslims in particular for insults and threats to her safety.
The video has been shared multiple times on Facebook and users are claiming that it repeatedly disappears without much explanation. Facebook said there has not been an investigation into the matter, but said that when a video disappears it is usually because the poster took it down.
It is easier to believe that the video is being removed on grounds for hate speech. Even German police are afraid of pursuing Muslim criminals for fear of being slandered and called racist.
Read about the video on page 2.
I live in a mexican country, and believe me there*is not urbanity, there is not politeness, there is not sweatness from women, now do i care if it’s a family crossing the border of The United States? Yes but why? Cause I am a third worlder who has lived in America before and knows the hell as the heaven,$#%&!@*all of these rats, these indians are “innocent poor inmmigrants” but when they become the majority, you will regret as$#%&!@* because there is no other people like them to bahave like opportunist rats, with many faces. These are the ones who will change America, and has changed America for the worse
Listen, read the bibble, it’s all true, but bt just talking and giving statements you are not going anywhere, what you need is to take action, get the power, lie if that’s necessaryto improve something, it’s a* dirty world, it’s a f**e world, it’s a false world,It’s an upside down world, it’s a ignorant world, in fact It’s a femenine world which is heading towards the end if you don’t do a sacrifice, you’ve got the chances,you are Americans
Even republicans, what you always need is not a son of cuban inmmigrants, it’s not a doctor, It’s not a senator, those are puppets, you need a patriot who sopports you and serve you, first, second and third
She killed not only Germany, But Hole Europe
extreme muslims do not belong in any society
Merkel is a$#%&!@*Bitch , yes , she is killing Germany
Thank you. Hope your message gets through.
dont give up your second amendment of the constitution of the USA
The trouble with German people fighting for their country is the fact that they will be looked at and labeled. In this day and age people have become sheep via popular societal mediums…television, social media, websites, movies ect. The stigma of WW II and the emasculation of western societies/ countries to be able to say ” Hey, sorry but in order to enter our country you must be able to contribute to our country in a positive manner, this includes learning to speak and communicate in that country’s language, to embrace our culture, to assimilate, to pledge allegiance to the country you wish to move to or live in.