Some are claiming that social media is trying to censor a video of a 16-year-old German girl who is earnestly afraid to go out in the streets for for of being attacked by migrants. The German girl explains in her video the multiple embarrassing and quite dangerous experiences she and her friends have endured.
She is obviously frustrated in the video, frustrated with her government’s seeming blase attitude to the problem, frustrated with Muslims in particular for insults and threats to her safety.
The video has been shared multiple times on Facebook and users are claiming that it repeatedly disappears without much explanation. Facebook said there has not been an investigation into the matter, but said that when a video disappears it is usually because the poster took it down.
It is easier to believe that the video is being removed on grounds for hate speech. Even German police are afraid of pursuing Muslim criminals for fear of being slandered and called racist.
Read about the video on page 2.
This is awful !But this is also happening in this country in a lot of the bigger cities ,, where gangs are running the poor areas in American cities and killing , raping and these are the same cities that are saying they will hide Illegals from federal ICE officers !! They have enough problem with gangs and now they want to hide people that are breaking the laws of this country !! THIS IS SO STUPID !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This c**p is what Obama and Hillary want here for us and they live behind big walls… But they don’t want us to have a wall.. I hope they vote Merkel out..
Why doesn’t she go to Cabellas and buy a gun?
The Muslims say they will take over without a gun or sword .. All they do is breed.. And demand their sharia law.. The fools here let them and say be nice.. The Muslims see that as being weak.. We must stand up to them .. They need to go back where they came from..
Merkel is a Liberal Idiot, The Germans need to arm their citizens and start shooting these Invaders, They should first Hang that stupid$#%&!@*Merkel.
I’ll bet if they castrated every Muslim male either already here or entering the country problem solved. Let word out you come here you get castrated, they wouldn’t want to come here
True but she is an advocate of the NWO just like Obama. Media said that his statements about citizens needing to allow leaders to make decisions because they were not smart enough to do so for themselves, tells it all! When the intellectuals rule, they amass large amounts of money and the middle class shrinks so that we end up with the haves and the have nots. Look at socialist countries where citizens have given away their freedoms for “free” stuff. They have the leaders and the poor……..
They need to make it a law that if if a male Muslim breaks the law he should be castrated automatically before being turned loose .
people are afraid to come out of the homes good job merkel
Merkel is fool! Europe the big expierment: Can Muslims peacefully live in a western society? Answer is NO. Their numbers will increase and they will take over and try to establish shria law and convert everyone to Islam thats what they do, Its all they do.