Some are claiming that social media is trying to censor a video of a 16-year-old German girl who is earnestly afraid to go out in the streets for for of being attacked by migrants. The German girl explains in her video the multiple embarrassing and quite dangerous experiences she and her friends have endured.
She is obviously frustrated in the video, frustrated with her government’s seeming blase attitude to the problem, frustrated with Muslims in particular for insults and threats to her safety.
The video has been shared multiple times on Facebook and users are claiming that it repeatedly disappears without much explanation. Facebook said there has not been an investigation into the matter, but said that when a video disappears it is usually because the poster took it down.
It is easier to believe that the video is being removed on grounds for hate speech. Even German police are afraid of pursuing Muslim criminals for fear of being slandered and called racist.
Read about the video on page 2.
Yet they voted Merkel in so now time to deal with her liberal agenda
Time to remove all the tyrants!
We can’t allow America to become Europe. We must expel Islam from our nation while we can
Merkel is a fool, I agree with this woman.
And the dumb judges in our country are letting those kind in our country
And the libs cheer Merkel on…
Give me a fucking break, you demented assoles. You shits are nut job pathetic
Every time I read these accounts, I cry for my homeland. I so wanted to take my kids to Germany, but not any more. I’d gear for my beautiful daughters life. Merkel should be taken out of office, banned and shipped to Syria or Somalia, and forever banned from Europe
For sure Germany is new syria
Hang Merkel the Communists and traitor