In a rare interview, a Federal police in Germany, identified only as 22 year old ‘Bernd, shared how the public has been intentionally misinformed regarding the immigrant crime wave in order to prevent outrage.
This officer, deployed in a small city in south-east Germany, Passau, on the Austrian border said thousands of migrants come by road and by train every month. He also revealed that “95 percent of refugees are single men”. The kind of crimes that are intentionally mis-reported are acts like, “an asylum seeker cutting another’s throat”. He said in the police report, it would be stated as “grievous bodily harm and not attempted murder.” It creates better statistics.
The handcuffs that the government has placed upon the police is staggering. Instead of being able to do their job and protect the citizens of Germany, they have been required to not detain criminal migrants as doing so would result in physical violence.
On the next page, read how the German Feds have shackled the police from doing their job in regard to the migrant population hurting the citizens of this once proud country.
GERMANS is inteligents And correct people!
PROTECT your people And HERITAGE!!!
To the German Police , If you don’t stand and help the people of your country all of you will fall together !! Stand and step into Humanity ! It is a Great Place !
Any society that kills its unborn is committing suicide
Because your politicians have been bought off by Billionaire George Soros that’s why.
sound like the USA
I’ve been saying the same for years. These countries and the liberal progressives aren’t progressive at all. They have set their respective countries back decades and they may never recover.
More nasty projects of the NWO, 80 years ago there was No “STeFan with a ph” The E-PH rib is intended to be pronounced differently than the Girls name Stephanie only primarily “STeF” Men PH sound comes from F’s last sound as in the word OF said “uV” Hence “STEVen with a ph”
There is gonna be another European war I’m thinking.
we have to stand up to it