The tide has turned in Germany, so much so that even Chancellor Angela Merkel can no longer afford to deny it.
Notorious for throwing the doors of her country open to unfiltered immigration, the German leader has done a complete 180 on the issue on which she has staked so much of what she believes to be her moral legitimacy. After taking in thousands of migrants from the Middle East, Merkel announced her intent to “stop illegal immigration” and deport people denied asylum in Germany back to their countries of origin.
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Trump told her in the beginning, don’t let those refugees in Germany, but she did anyway, and now look what is happening
Never will happen.
I would say throw her out there on a street and let HER expericence her own policies.
Who pulled her head out. Give em the Nobel peace prize.
Trying to save her goose to stay in power.
She is high on something.
And London should to a 180
She better do something to save her butt, the German people have had more than enough of her socialist programs and open country approach to immigration.
Wake up Europe,, get wise. Now if only our country would get wise. But Obama and Hillary want a global world government.. cause he wants to run it .
Hillary said she is her heroe.