Keeping in line with the most dire predictions of many observers of the European nation’s migrant crisis, German officials are expressing deep concern that a large number of the thousands upon thousands of Muslim immigrants fleeing the Middle East are becoming involved with radicals operating within German borders. This is due in part to what the German authorities describe as an alarming number of such refugees becoming involved with mosques suspected to be hubs of extremist activity.
This development is especially troubling in the wake of the November 13th Paris attacks, with the possibility that Germany, with it’s teeming hordes of undocumented Syrian migrants, will be the next European country to fall to Islamist terror being a very real one. It may also have the side effect of putting further pressure on Angela Merkel’s government to change it’s excessively-accomodating policies towards the arriving refugees.
See more about the possible threat on the next page:
Convert or be killed.
Calm down everyone, Hillary tells us these are NOT terrorists, but warm loving people. We have nothing to worry about Hillary said! Hillary also said (out the other side of her mouth) that don’t worry all those dead bodies does not reflect on me, I am above all that piddly c**p.
Yes, I am a very Proud Michigan Female Supporting and VOTING for TRUMP 2016 for PRESIDENT!!!!!
say it isn’t so
It was ISIS’s plan all get these hundreds of thousand displaced Muslims in a situation where they feel hopeless and convert them to radical ISIS..
I lost about 75% of all my friends and family standing against the ideology of islam. I’d say the mass majority of the friends I lost have never read the karan, nor have even a basic knowledge of the history. But if 75% of my friends either don’t care or even support the Islamic ideology is about the average nation wide, then we are screwed.
It was clear all along. From the second Angela Merjel opened her arns to invite everyone to go to Germany. She.s gone quiet now.
May Merkel be entombed in a pyramid of schemes not worthy to last a lifetime for what she’s done to Germany.
News flash…..they already were
Short term thinking leaders soon to cause the fall of their country!! Feel bad for the peace loving citizens of Germany.