Keeping in line with the most dire predictions of many observers of the European nation’s migrant crisis, German officials are expressing deep concern that a large number of the thousands upon thousands of Muslim immigrants fleeing the Middle East are becoming involved with radicals operating within German borders. This is due in part to what the German authorities describe as an alarming number of such refugees becoming involved with mosques suspected to be hubs of extremist activity.
This development is especially troubling in the wake of the November 13th Paris attacks, with the possibility that Germany, with it’s teeming hordes of undocumented Syrian migrants, will be the next European country to fall to Islamist terror being a very real one. It may also have the side effect of putting further pressure on Angela Merkel’s government to change it’s excessively-accomodating policies towards the arriving refugees.
See more about the possible threat on the next page:
Radical Islam is just Muslims who follow their religion. If all Muslims followed it like it’s written all of the islamic countries would be Radical Islam
not recruited but were already recruited in thier counrty they were raised with islamic teachings – you all are being lied to wake up—really how many women and children did you see pictures of most of the refugees were young men already trained for chaos and destruction -the most were set up in areas where isis is -and obama knows what states they are set up to finish what needs to be done they are just waiting for singles so in the mean time they cause as much uproar as they can to complicate matters to distract us as much as they can so the evil grows larger why do you think C.A.I.R is here? and islam is being taught to our kids in schools ?
By By Germany. You citizens let Merkel ruin your country, now you have only one direction to go, throw the Muslims out by force if necessary. Your government can’t be trusted any more. The once great Germany will fall to Islam if you don’t fight for your country.
Now, I ain’t never claimed to be brightest bulb in circuit but did not come down with yesterday’s rain either. You take in “refugees” from the countries fighting in Middle East and it seems to me you are just relocating the battlefield. If these folks hate each other there, I don’t see them liking each other here! You are giving them access to better homes, places to get weapons, better food, etc., etc., that they can’t but dream about there!
I, a citizen of The UNITED STATES of AMERICA, am calling for the immediate arrest and trial of Barack Hussein Obama for treason, under Article 3 section 3 of the United States Constitution, for aiding and giving comfort to our enemies. If you agree, please copy and re-post.
Finally waking up to “THE PLAN” …. !!!
That would mean they have already let Isis in
They are not converting, they are just joining with those already there.
it is not to late to fight islam. here is the Islam Plan: