Keeping in line with the most dire predictions of many observers of the European nation’s migrant crisis, German officials are expressing deep concern that a large number of the thousands upon thousands of Muslim immigrants fleeing the Middle East are becoming involved with radicals operating within German borders. This is due in part to what the German authorities describe as an alarming number of such refugees becoming involved with mosques suspected to be hubs of extremist activity.
This development is especially troubling in the wake of the November 13th Paris attacks, with the possibility that Germany, with it’s teeming hordes of undocumented Syrian migrants, will be the next European country to fall to Islamist terror being a very real one. It may also have the side effect of putting further pressure on Angela Merkel’s government to change it’s excessively-accomodating policies towards the arriving refugees.
See more about the possible threat on the next page:
It says it all that Merkel is destroying eu cause of inadequate passport checks, no holding centres—all to appease a multicultural ideal sold to us by certain elements of our state and its agencies.
Jeremy Corbyn says this is an attack on the vibrant multicultural cities we all know and love.
No, Jeremy, it isn’t. It isn’t. You stupid man. It’s an attack on France, on French sensibilities and the French way of life. Mostly, it’s an attack on parents and children.
Don’t use this attack to defend multiculturalism. We don’t all love multiculturalism. We don’t all want equality the way you see it. We don’t want to live where we are second-class citizens in our own country.
And I blame you. I blame you and every other zealot who tells me race is not an issue. I blame you who tell me all migrants are welcome. I blame you who tell me I am a racist when all I am is proud of my people.
I blame the court who let Rebekah Dawson wear a niqab in court to protect her ‘freedom of religious expression’. I blame teacher Asif Khan who allegedly led anti-Christmas chanting in a Birmingham school. I blame Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe for apologising to the father of an idiotic child who ran away to join ISIS due to the father’s extremist past.
I am pointing the finger of blame squarely at the BBC who told us, ‘Few Muslims have sympathy with the Charlie Hebdo massacres.’ Actually the figure was 27%. More than a quarter sympathised with the motives behind the massacre.
I’d like to ask these fools, do you sympathise with the killers now that close to 200 are dead or dying?
Excuse me why are all these Muslims men of Fighting age and the government expect you to believe they are Plain ol refugees if you believe that you’re pretty gullible if you read history this isn’t the first time they’ve done this to other countries
What a Surprise! NOT!!!
So get them out of your country. What’s wrong with the leaders of the world?
You don’t say?
Wow, Really?
German shouls better close all mosque in the country, if they want to terrorists.
no they were radical when they got there now they are just acting on it
Ya think?? It’s such a joke of a president we have!!!