An incredible piece of investigative journalism by “The Investigators” illuminates a secretive process by which laws on a state level are really made – at the behest of corporations through the American Legislative Exchange Council.
ALEC is the middle man between global corporations and state politicians who both vote behind closed doors to rewrite state laws.
Yes, that’s right, the corporations vote along with lawmakers on bills that govern your rights…but that’s hardly the full story.
The people own America and not anyone else!
Laws are not “made” there – they are “bought” there.
These guys BACK the Republican party!!! They buy laws to help them NOT America, and u guys vote for the Republicans!!!
An illegal Congress will always make illegal laws.
In PA there was a head shop selling Bath Salts. The state government made the chemical illegal in the middle of the night and then went and busted the guy before he knew what he was selling was illegal. I’m not saying bath salts should be legal I’m just saying that the government can be some sneaky bastards.
is this really supprising anyone after the SCOTUS voted that cas is “free speech” several years ago ?
Multiply this by 50. No, make that 51.
Don’t forget RINO Republicans, who are just as vile and are liberal, progressives and just as bad as communists, $#%&!@*s and Democrats!
They all do it. Boehner did get $500,000.00 from the Chamber of Commerce, for his support for Immigration p$#%&!@*age.
Hey I believe Boehner is a POS traitor to the republican party.