The State of Georgia has filed a lawsuit against the owner of the website for – brace yourself – publishing state laws online.
Within the lawsuit, Carl Malamud is being labeled a ‘terrorist’ by the state of Georgia for posting an annotated version of the entire state body of law.
Under what guise is Georgia suing? This gets even more offensive…
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But… but… but… Isn’t Georgia a CONservative state? 8-( Oh, thats right, Dem or Repug, they’re just the authoritarian Boot On Your Neck and sticky fingers in your wallet…
This is no joke and it is not F**E news
you would probity have a stroke if you knew what they pass no wonder the are farad of the truth comming out
Federal. State. County and city laws are for the public to see online and also can get them through the mail.. Already.. This clown is just that …a clown…
He’s a dirty$#%&!@*licker make him go home to suck mommas titty
Just WTF..
They are afraid of an educated population, afraid that once we understand the depth of their corruption and treasonous actions we will grab a rope and make short work of these damn criminals.
What a snowflake!!!
First amendment
Ship his$#%&!@*to Iran