The State of Georgia has filed a lawsuit against the owner of the website for – brace yourself – publishing state laws online.
Within the lawsuit, Carl Malamud is being labeled a ‘terrorist’ by the state of Georgia for posting an annotated version of the entire state body of law.
Under what guise is Georgia suing? This gets even more offensive…
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I want to see the Law on taxing Income which the Constitution says is a No No.
What the f**k
He can counter sue and win big. Laws are public domain and cannot be hidden or made hard to find. He did not break any laws. The state needs to be taught a lesson on what is legal.
This has got to be false. If not everyone should be able to look up their state laws and to be able to read state laws they plan to visit or move to.
The left dont want their snowflakes knowing the real laws,they make them up as they go!
Well public needs this info and if you are a terrorist you should be I. N prison but i bet lawman that doesn’t want the public to know how to fight corrupt or there rights and terrorist don’t need to know there laws or not they have ways that doesn’t make any differance
They know they going to jail or die if they get caught
That’s Georgia
Crooked as f**k