The State of Georgia has filed a lawsuit against the owner of the website for – brace yourself – publishing state laws online.
Within the lawsuit, Carl Malamud is being labeled a ‘terrorist’ by the state of Georgia for posting an annotated version of the entire state body of law.
Under what guise is Georgia suing? This gets even more offensive…
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Georgia is in violation of the 2nd Amendment because they infringe the right to carry a weapon by requiring you to have a $190.00 permit to carry a concealed.
Wait a sec.! Guy post state laws that are public record under our 1st amendment and gets sued?? That is some kind of stupid don’t cha think??
Georgia, this is really stupid..Just drop it,,,,,
pretty bad when you can be sued for spreading the truth.
But if we wait, our chance may be gone. If BO puts Marshall Law into effect before the elections then that stops the elections and we are stuck with him and Marshall Law…it will be too late then.
Is it still America where we have freedom of speech shame on you Georgia
See Americans. The libs have sold out Americans.
Obama’s Progessive party ,is a Communist party,
Seriously??? SMH