Two years ago the outrage surfaced in Houston as the mayor attacked the free-speech and freedom of religion rights of area pastors.
In a large Big Brother move, the mayor of the city of Houston has issued subpoenas to some pastors to turn over sermons dealing with homosexuality, gender identity or the mayor herself, Annise Parker, who is the city’s first openly lesbian mayor.
Any ministers who fails to comply could be held in contempt of court.
Source: Truth and Action
In a display of the fact that bad ideas often live on to surface another day, the Attorney General of Georgia is now attempting to do the same. More on page two.
This is what you get folks… the idea of making churchs tax exempt was done on purpose…to allow for a means of govt to control speech in church’s. It gives govt something to hang over our heads. Same goes for most other tax breaks.
They tried that in Houston. Didn’t work.
Tell the AG he has No right to demand them. Remember we have Freedom of Speech here!!
Georgia better stand!!!
How ridiculous.
Tell that Georgia AG to come listen to the sermons for himself or shut up !!
Seems like I have read about this in history books under the heading of Communist Take Over.
Cut this ag throat
Exactly,its a trap. Churches need to change their status so they are not beholden to the govt. Not many know about this, or aren’t interested in changing their status which is why we don’t get real teaching in the church anymore.