Two years ago the outrage surfaced in Houston as the mayor attacked the free-speech and freedom of religion rights of area pastors.
In a large Big Brother move, the mayor of the city of Houston has issued subpoenas to some pastors to turn over sermons dealing with homosexuality, gender identity or the mayor herself, Annise Parker, who is the city’s first openly lesbian mayor.
Any ministers who fails to comply could be held in contempt of court.
Source: Truth and Action
In a display of the fact that bad ideas often live on to surface another day, the Attorney General of Georgia is now attempting to do the same. More on page two.
Um No!!! Why don’t you go after Muslim notes of their hate speech and violence??? Hmmm Freedom of religion for all or just pick and choose??? Wrong!!!
Is he asking imans to turn over theirs?????
Can’t bring Christianity into government BUT the government can go into a church? Double standard. The government has too many double standards.
If he wants to know what in the sermon notes maybe he should go to church.
this is the beginning of the end of our constitutional rights. i wonder what our fore-fathers would have done?
She’s mixing personal life with work and ethics, behaving like a director wants everyone to think and act like her
One of the first salvos fired by communists is to curtail and control the church.The church has always been a sanctuary for people against corrupt govts
Stupid$#%&!@*always comes out when hyphenated people get in charge. Only seem to care about their own kind, btw UNITY.
FREEDOM OF SPEECH! I may disagree with everything this man says, but the government has no business, none, zilch doing this!