George W. Bush has some thoughts on Donald Trump’s inauguration — and it’s not good. But it’s not exactly bad, either.
Given his past, the fact that Bush said anything at all is somewhat surprising. After leaving the Oval Office in 2009, Bush claimed that Barack Obama “deserved his silence.” For the most part, Bush kept that promise, staying out of the political spotlight for both of Obama’s terms.
Bush also stayed quiet for most of the 2016 race. While leaks suggested that the Bush family supported Clinton, Bush 43 never made an official endorsement.
When Trump won, the Bush family accepted an invite to Trump’s inauguration. George H.W. Bush had to cancel due to health concerns, but the younger Bush attended the event. It was there that he made a private quip that has now gone public.
See what he said about Trump’s inauguration on the next page:
Bush, your World Trade Center disaster was some weird$#%&!@* Why were all Air defense systems deliberately doing exercises leaving that portion of the nation so unprotected? Why has science verified now that the building were not destroyed by the plane , but were taken down by masterful demolition? Why were all the records for all the corporate whistle blower cases conveniently pulled from all other secure locations guaranteeing that the destruction of Building seven would free all those corporations from their criminal cases? How did the damage from the plane take out a building two blocks away and not take out anything in between? How did the Bush family make millions of dollars off the collapse of these buildings? Why did we use Saudi’ “terrorists” as an excuse to attack Iraq? Why were Saudis after all but two of the “terrorist being Saudi made an exception to having to go through TSA before boarding planes? We did not have to create a terrorist attack to justify going after weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, of course we knew they were there, the USA helped them build them? They were shifted to Syria and now the Russians have them. What did you mean by the Iraq war will pay for itself, it wont cost our country anything? Why has it resulted in your 9 trillion dollar deficit, and continued to obamas 19.9 trillion dollar deficit?
Spoken like a true one worlder
Bush, unfortunately has sold out, or he’s always secretly been a libtard!!
He called Bush out…..of course he is gonna$#%&!@* Obama was just Bush 2.0 ……..with Trump I’m just intrigued….don’t love him….don’t hate him…..mostly just think….”What will he do next?” With malevolent smile…..just kidding….but you never know when he’ll do something that will have a hilarious liberal backlash!
I never understood how we elected THAT clown TWICE! I said he was bad both times but nooooooo….we got him and a 7 Trillion Dollar War….then Obama for 8 years so there has been 16 years of Darkness over America…..Trump gives me some hope but…..still the Governments no good so
George is just angry because Trump beat his whinny brother ole Jew.
It’s weird s$#%&!@*to Bush because he left Americans with there pants down and tore up for Obama to come in and spank America’s$#%&!@*for 8yrs and trump comes in with more balls then he had and would have handled 911 better than him
Now that Donald Trump’s former National Security Adviser is offering to testify in Trump’s Russia scandal in exchange for immunity, it significantly narrows the path for Trump managing to survive the scandal himself. Flynn is essentially admitting he’s guilty just by asking for immunity, and such a deal will only be granted if Flynn can take down a bigger fish; that fish would be Trump. So it doesn’t come as a total shock to see a credible report tonight that Donald Trump is considering resigning.
We all thought the Iran contra affair was some$#%&!@*too Jr.
You never opened your mouth when Obama was ruining our country so keep it shut now