Straight from CNN came the recent breaking news of violence ensuing from a crowd of protesters that attended a Trump rally in Chicago; the goal of these protesters was to cause a disruption.
It is clear in the video shown on the next page just how CNN chose to manipulate this situation to blame the violence on Trump. The reporter can be heard saying, “we don’t know if it is Trump supporters or protesters being arrested,“ failing to mention the fact that these protesters are not just simple anti-Trump protesters, but they are there chanting “Bernie! Bernie!“
But CNN is not the only one with blood on their hands, explains AM TV, describing how these leftist liberals who recently became violent at the Trump rally in Chicago, are being supported by organizations like George Soros and groups like — groups that ask for three dollar donations to disrupt Trump’s campaign.
Since Trump threatens chances of the globalist’s agenda from expanding into their beloved devil baby, Soros is going to hit Trump with all he’s got.
Read more and watch the video on page two.
Find Soros and Kill him
Hillary’s sugar daddy
Why are they giving George sorass ! Any attention he is a crooked and a waste of money and Time.
normalissi timur tengah kalau sungguh terjadi akan buka banyak bisnis dari prolerty hingga pertanian untuk pemulihan hidup
Berarti gunakan duit untuk lebih baik bukan untuk membinasakan seperti timur tengah yg te4jadi skrg
Trump is smarter than Soros
Hillary’s sugar daddy
Shelly, you have a valid point. Evil is taken over the minds of government officials, political issues, a poison virus in the hearts of the,,,,,
The powerful
The greedy
The self-centered
Duit itu netral
Bisa bikin hidup lebaik
Bisa bikin hancur binasa
seperti timur tengah yang banyak duit dari minyak tapi justru untuk saling bunuh
Jadikan pelajaran berharga yang terjadi di timur tengah
Evil man, sorros needs to take a hike
Take this genocide murder of his own people, through hitlers regime and destroy this marxist liberal, and now it’s personal, take him out Trump.