Straight from CNN came the recent breaking news of violence ensuing from a crowd of protesters that attended a Trump rally in Chicago; the goal of these protesters was to cause a disruption.
It is clear in the video shown on the next page just how CNN chose to manipulate this situation to blame the violence on Trump. The reporter can be heard saying, “we don’t know if it is Trump supporters or protesters being arrested,“ failing to mention the fact that these protesters are not just simple anti-Trump protesters, but they are there chanting “Bernie! Bernie!“
But CNN is not the only one with blood on their hands, explains AM TV, describing how these leftist liberals who recently became violent at the Trump rally in Chicago, are being supported by organizations like George Soros and groups like — groups that ask for three dollar donations to disrupt Trump’s campaign.
Since Trump threatens chances of the globalist’s agenda from expanding into their beloved devil baby, Soros is going to hit Trump with all he’s got.
Read more and watch the video on page two.
Soros loaned trump 160 million dollars, he already owns him.
Pure evil Communist Hildebeast supporter against the Trumpinator, a Christian America loving Patriot..No contest..Trump 2016
Soros is a bag of miserable puke!
Soros should be kicked out of the USA.
This bastard, Soros, got run out of England for currency manipulation. I think George would look great with his head on a pike.
Well hopefully the story on here the other night about Putin issuing a international arrest warrant for Soros was true , I’d love to see Putin get ahold of him , could bring down the the whole Democratic party when Soros begs for his life and spills the beans !!
Soros is pure evil…as old as he is, why would he be trying to destroy civilized cultures?! If not for just the pure satisfaction he gets from being a destroyer! May he drop dead soon.
Soros and Obama would like nothing more than for these protesters to get out of line so civil unrest can be deemed bad enough to call in Obama’s Milita. When there is massive civil unrest the president can’t/won’t leave office. Then Obama can claim his 3rd term.
F**k you Soros! U anti-American communist muslim loving bastard!