I wonder how happy George Soros is with all the attention he’s been getting? My guess is that, considering what his goals are, he’d prefer to fly a bit more under the radar. In spite of the name of his “Open Societies Foundation,” transparency of motives is not a priority for Mr. Soros. It’s our old friend “relativism” again — someone’s words often mean something other than what the person would have you believe they mean.
For a close-up view of how this works, we can turn to Soros’ efforts to purportedly increase participation in the election process, and the removal of supposed barriers to that participation. Taken at face value, that doesn’t sound bad. Who wouldn’t support encouraging citizens to participate in the their elections?
But there’s something missing from this description. And as is often the case, what isn’t said is more important to an accurate understanding that what is said. Here are the words you can add to the above discussion to really understand Soros’ motives.
In the name and blood of JESUS stop this man George Soros Heavenly Father,he is evil. Amen
Tell me how long it going to investigate this evil scum
He still awake?
Extradite him to Russia
Soros you better back off the American citizens will not put up with your corrupt$#%&!@*on U.S. soil
If Bin Laden can be taken out for allegedly ordering the strike on the towers then there should be no problem putting one in his head too.
You stupid liberal garbage
Hands off
why is this man still walking around.
Trumps going to change it to end democratic cheating!