It seems like wherever there are exciting new developments with major implications for society, George Soros is nearby to nudge things in a direction more to his liking.
Take the idea of online voting, for instance. In and of itself, might not sound like a bad idea to many. It would allow people to more easily access the polls and make it so that you don’t even need to leave your home on election day to have your say. But we’re not the only ones who have pondered the possibilities of such a system.
According to a directive issued by the Hungarian billionaire’s Open Society Foundation, the organization will seek to expand voter rolls through the introduction of more infrastructure for online and electronic voting. Knowing how Soros operates, one shouldn’t be surprised if his real goal is to further tighten his stranglehold over American politics.
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Go back to paper ballots to keep scum like this$#%&!@*away from our elections
He wants to control the outcome, vote by mail or in person with ID.
AGREE he is a snake!
Our government should be charging him with inciting riots.paying and busing people to start riots in North Carolina . How does one do these things and stay free from prison he’s just as guilty as the people that destroyed property and caused harm to innocent people that had done nothing to no one. This is rediculous to have a justice department that allows this to happen and home land security also. why even have these two branch’s of government if they do nothing to stop this b******t. Is their anyone in Washington that cares to stop this$#%&!@* If so soros is taken out problem gone for all America since he’s the one organizing it. He’s painted as some rich villen that causes destruction like some comic book villen
Old bastard , he’ll tip over soon , who will take his place ? Ovomit !
Where does he live
thought he was dead
You bet that guy major snake in grass!!
This man is Satan’s son