George Soros, the NWO hedge fund billionaire, is blatantly raining down millions of dollars on countless liberal organizations in the United States to hijack your freedom of choice with his Open Society Foundations.
One of the Soros octopi’s tentacles is the, the liberal activist behind the Behemoth, that grew from Soros’ $1.46 million donation, as a means to protect Bill Clinton, during the Monica Lewinski impeachment hearing. is now a full-blown army of the deluded, violent and misinformed. writes, “ closed its 527 committee in 2008. It now operates a federal political action committee, which must disclose its donors and cannot accept more than $5,000 from any single source. PAC raised and spent $38 million in 2008. It had spent $21 million during the 2010 campaign cycle, as of August. The PAC fund Internet and TV ads, raises money for liberal candidates and causes and finances grassroots campaigns.”
Move to page two to watch the video and read more about Soro’s filthy hand in this primary season.
We are america. Everyone has to get off their asses and go take responsibility.
he’s a nazi
Wisconsin 1st congressional district you have the chance to FIRE Ryan and VOTE for PAUL NEHLEN in the primary
The best way to have the Trump haters and liberals eat their words is to make sure Trump gets the MOST votes.
Don’t let your guard down, who knows what GOP establishment comes up with next
Thank you to each of you in believing that WE the people CAN make a difference,
Over 4000 anti Trump commercials are running, costing MILLIONS, that’s how scared the establishment is, they WANT to continue their corruption, insider trading. No wonder the US are called the country that has the best politicians money can buy.
Remember some states require you to be a registered republican to vote in the republican primary
Every STATE is crucial for Trump to be nominated. The GOP establishment wants a brokered convention to put their puppet as nominee, NOT Trump or Cruz
April 5, Wisconsin
April 19, New York
April 26, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island
May 3, Indiana
May 10, Nebraska, West Virginia
May 17, Oregon
May 24, Washington
June 7, California, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, South Dakota
Remember the establishment is throwing everything at Trump, hopping something will stick. Every vote is needed
Tell your family, friends, co-workers, to go and VOTE
Why hasn’t Soros been arrested as a foreigner interfering with an American election?
Arrest soros.
That man and others like him are the whole problem with this country and the rest of the world they should be arrested and imprisoned
He looks like he is about to die!
evil writen all over you get right with god amen
George Soros Needs To Be Charged With Hate Crimes And , Instigating Riots !! He Needs To Be Charged With Treason Against American People Supporting Terrorist !
Go trump