George Soros, the NWO hedge fund billionaire, is blatantly raining down millions of dollars on countless liberal organizations in the United States to hijack your freedom of choice with his Open Society Foundations.
One of the Soros octopi’s tentacles is the, the liberal activist behind the Behemoth, that grew from Soros’ $1.46 million donation, as a means to protect Bill Clinton, during the Monica Lewinski impeachment hearing. is now a full-blown army of the deluded, violent and misinformed. writes, “ closed its 527 committee in 2008. It now operates a federal political action committee, which must disclose its donors and cannot accept more than $5,000 from any single source. PAC raised and spent $38 million in 2008. It had spent $21 million during the 2010 campaign cycle, as of August. The PAC fund Internet and TV ads, raises money for liberal candidates and causes and finances grassroots campaigns.”
Move to page two to watch the video and read more about Soro’s filthy hand in this primary season.
Drop dead Soros!
This is the reason for all the violence at Trump’s rally’s. If jerks like Soros would let the American process work the way it is suppose to he just might get what he wants. My personal feeling in this , is Soros should be arrested for starting these riots. If I started one I would be in jail by now. It’s not Trump’s fault these riots are going on. He has every right to hold these rally’s just like you do. I don’t understand the stupidness of people blaming Trump for the riots. I think it’s the rich and the the politicians that are bought off are so scared that their gravy train is coming to an end. And people that’s whats wrong with America today. Politicians are bought off. Everyone is looking out for themselves and to hell with the American people. The only good thing about this is Trump already has brought jobs to America. If you don’t like what Trump has to say stay away from his rallies. Or have a rally of your own. But, to go just to start a riot is not only stupid but against the law. You need to go to jail. If you don’t like what he says, do your American job and don’t vote for him. SIMPLE
who is he
Instead Soros should pay back millions in all the taxes he owes because if his friend won’t win his gravy train will tun out.
The RNC is why they are there.
Soros looks evil and very scary
He is breaking the law and something needs to be done.
Your sn idiot
I actually don’t support Trump.
I have several issues with his rhetoric; when he is pressed for details or specifics, he flounders and seems at a loss. He has yet to put forward any comprehensive policy plans or viable solution, which is troublesome.
He hasn’t convinced me that his knowledge and expertise in business is transferable to governance.
Why is George still Up Right?