George Soros, the NWO hedge fund billionaire, is blatantly raining down millions of dollars on countless liberal organizations in the United States to hijack your freedom of choice with his Open Society Foundations.
One of the Soros octopi’s tentacles is the, the liberal activist behind the Behemoth, that grew from Soros’ $1.46 million donation, as a means to protect Bill Clinton, during the Monica Lewinski impeachment hearing. is now a full-blown army of the deluded, violent and misinformed. writes, “ closed its 527 committee in 2008. It now operates a federal political action committee, which must disclose its donors and cannot accept more than $5,000 from any single source. PAC raised and spent $38 million in 2008. It had spent $21 million during the 2010 campaign cycle, as of August. The PAC fund Internet and TV ads, raises money for liberal candidates and causes and finances grassroots campaigns.”
Move to page two to watch the video and read more about Soro’s filthy hand in this primary season.
Money and Power mad people like Soros are ruining America! They own all the Polititions in Washington DC, and now they think they can own your votes.
That isn’t even good protesting. The people aren’t doing it because they disagree, they are doing it cause they are paid and full of hatred/
Deport this illegal alien
And that’s not against the law? How is Trump to blame on the c**p the protesters cause when they get hired to do it?
New world order what does that tell you anybody listening or does anybody care Soros is out to destroy this country wake up are you that blind
Protester should be hired to put this guy in his place…
Please read the comment written by Maria Ferrara. Attached is an article written by Bill Bennett. He is a highly respected voice
Soros should be arrested for tampering with election process !
Keep messing with Trump go ahead Americam’s no how to defeat trader’s
If he’s admitting it then why don’t they arrest him? Wait, I just answered my own question. They are afraid to touch him because he’s rich and by rich I mean loaded. He probably has a lot of ppl in his pocket.