George Soros, the NWO hedge fund billionaire, is blatantly raining down millions of dollars on countless liberal organizations in the United States to hijack your freedom of choice with his Open Society Foundations.
One of the Soros octopi’s tentacles is the, the liberal activist behind the Behemoth, that grew from Soros’ $1.46 million donation, as a means to protect Bill Clinton, during the Monica Lewinski impeachment hearing. is now a full-blown army of the deluded, violent and misinformed. writes, “ closed its 527 committee in 2008. It now operates a federal political action committee, which must disclose its donors and cannot accept more than $5,000 from any single source. PAC raised and spent $38 million in 2008. It had spent $21 million during the 2010 campaign cycle, as of August. The PAC fund Internet and TV ads, raises money for liberal candidates and causes and finances grassroots campaigns.”
Move to page two to watch the video and read more about Soro’s filthy hand in this primary season.
You are the sorest sob I have ever seen and if you hate America that bad you should be over to another and take the democrates with you we have a right to vote and speach every one that don’t care for our country should leave
Soros is a hateful despicable old man who can’t wait to destroy America. Let’s recap his actions.He backed both of Obama’s elections (Many say he is the power behind the White House.) He also funded the Ferguson Riots, He paid the people who stopped the Trump rally in Chicago and Arizona by hiring protesters to stop them. He funded Rubio’s campaign until he lost his home state of Florida then he changed his funding to Kasich. He wants to keep supporting whoever wins the White House so he can keep on trying to finish destroying The United States. (He also has Hillary’s ear in the White House.)He has paid millions to stop Trump and is willing to do just about anything to stop him. It is a damn shame that our own GOP would rather have this old Anti-American running our country behind the scenes than to have an American, A TRUE AMERICAN like Trump running our country.
Go get ’em Trump, Trump 2016!
Maybe Trump should hire somebody to off the old$#%&!@*, it would e doing the whole nation a big favor
Someone needs to stop this sorry$#%&!@*Devil one way or the other.
So, I guess, this must be legal? To pay people to riot?
He should be Arrest for paying for riots!!!
Can hardly wait for that to backfire on soros.