George Soros, the NWO hedge fund billionaire, is blatantly raining down millions of dollars on countless liberal organizations in the United States to hijack your freedom of choice with his Open Society Foundations.
One of the Soros octopi’s tentacles is the, the liberal activist behind the Behemoth, that grew from Soros’ $1.46 million donation, as a means to protect Bill Clinton, during the Monica Lewinski impeachment hearing. is now a full-blown army of the deluded, violent and misinformed. writes, “ closed its 527 committee in 2008. It now operates a federal political action committee, which must disclose its donors and cannot accept more than $5,000 from any single source. PAC raised and spent $38 million in 2008. It had spent $21 million during the 2010 campaign cycle, as of August. The PAC fund Internet and TV ads, raises money for liberal candidates and causes and finances grassroots campaigns.”
Move to page two to watch the video and read more about Soro’s filthy hand in this primary season.
God will get him! Anyone say pineapple every day !
File charges against him
May the Lord reward him according to his deeds.
When it starts coming to violence and his family threatened, no Trump is not in with Soro’s! You are not listening to this man! Soro rigged Utah for Cruz? Why do that if he wants Trump? You have no valid proof. Sorry buttercup doesn’t fly. Nice try though!
Sanders has ads out paying 15 dollars an hour for protesters to disrupt Trumps rallies.
we need to pray for him, so God can deal with him, Father I left up all Trumps enemies especially this man who has yielded to the wiles of the devil, God in Heaven I ask that the Holy Spirit seek Him out and deliver him in Jesus name
Soros the trouble maker.
Nothing will brake us.
We are with Trump.
Progressive Insurance is owned by Soros and people that are dedicated to destroying America. WHY do we keep buying their insurance?
I know what Soros needs…..Seal Team Six….Communist bastard
Soros and friends want to threaten Trump…….I will be glad when Soros kicks the bucket