George Soros has “injected” millions into “high-profile presidential and congressional” races to promote his agenda to”reshape the American justice system”.
In 2016 alone, more than $3 million has been infused in local district-attorney races across six states. Soros’ investment in Hispanic and African-American candidates, who reflect his goals of “directing some drug offenders to diversion programs instead of trial and reducing racial disparities in sentencing”.
Read how Soros’ money is altering American justice system and politics on the next page.
There is NO American justice system, only a legal system, no justice in it.
Why does this man have that control?
We need to change old George Soros..Soros and son should be banished from all doings in Amercia and never to foot on American soil. It’s funny no one has taken this slim ball out… You know America no longer has a “justice” system, but a legal system in which justice has no meaning. #sad
Sharon Santini….be thankful that God didn’t mete out perfect justice, but mercy, in your life. I’m all for justice, according to our law, but don’t assume to know Gods timing.
Wouldn’t that be great.
donald filling judge seats quickly-all conservative go donald
All need to be band and start over.
The Lord will prevail in his time
Again , shoot this pos and obama will be done