George Soros has “injected” millions into “high-profile presidential and congressional” races to promote his agenda to”reshape the American justice system”.
In 2016 alone, more than $3 million has been infused in local district-attorney races across six states. Soros’ investment in Hispanic and African-American candidates, who reflect his goals of “directing some drug offenders to diversion programs instead of trial and reducing racial disparities in sentencing”.
Read how Soros’ money is altering American justice system and politics on the next page.
Get that evil Bastard out of our country…..We need trump and we need him now.
He has caused so much harm to so many. But it just continues. Because no one will step up to stop it.
Pray that God will reveal himself to this man like he did Saul.
Remember , he runs the democrats. They owe him and will do whatever he wants.
Colin Kaepernick Is Right African Americans & Hispanics Have Been Oppressed By Failed Democratic Leadership For Decades!
I Don’t Agree With His Disrespectfull Way Of Protesting!
By Supporting & Voting For American President That Wants To Serve All Americans. If You Really Don’t See Improvement In Your Lives After Four Years Vote Democrat Again! Give Him A Chance To Prove It.
America Knows The Administration, DOJ & FBI Are Corrupt When It Comes To Hillary, Her Emails & Her Foundation. So We Will Have To Prosecute Her On Nov.8th With A Guilty Vote For Trump/Pence!
Just Look At The Democrats Giant Trojan Horse Plan To Bring 110,000 Of Unvented Refuges To Destroy Us From Within,
Americans Who LOVE OUR COUNTRY Must Come Together For Ourselves, Children, Grand Children & Great Grand Children.
To Protect & Preserve Our Constitutional Rights For Generations To Come If Hillary Clinton Is Elected She Will Appoint 3 To 5 Liberal Judges To The Supreme Count & Many More To Federal Courts Around Our Country.
Please Unite Together This November 8th To Protect & Preserve Our Rights & Freedoms By Voting For; Trump/Pence 2016.
hang him.
He looks like a very elderly$#%&!@* You can see the evil in his eyes!
One guy that should be done away with
The hole Democrat Party and GOP RINOS are working for SORS.