George Soros has “injected” millions into “high-profile presidential and congressional” races to promote his agenda to”reshape the American justice system”.
In 2016 alone, more than $3 million has been infused in local district-attorney races across six states. Soros’ investment in Hispanic and African-American candidates, who reflect his goals of “directing some drug offenders to diversion programs instead of trial and reducing racial disparities in sentencing”.
Read how Soros’ money is altering American justice system and politics on the next page.
what the U.S. needs is a sniper
As long as Obama is in Power we are gona see more Race Baiting and more VIOLENCE in our country and more Terrorist Attacks on our american soil…And lf Hillary Clinton is Elected she will continue Obama’s Muslim Legacy only thing is it will be 100 times worse all cause Obama & Hillary is letting GEORGE SOROS call the shots .As long as he shovels out the money they will make the Terror more intense on us Americans ..George Soros is running the DNC and our Government in Washington DC..We Americans have seen more Hell & Violence in last 8 years then there has ever been in over 50 years ..George Soros is in charge of the Electrol College that does the final Vote in The Elections ,so don’t be suprised lf Hillary Clinton wins ..The DNC has it all Planned out ,,They will not let an Honest man win Like Donald Trump …The DNC can not stand Honesty in our Government they want POWER & MONEY thats why they are letting GEORGE SOROS run the Electral College ..The RNC needs to step in and knock SOROS out of our Election so we can have an Honest election this year ..America is more important then Money ,our Freedom as we once knew it is at stake right now ..We Need Honesty ,Trust in our Government ..and the love of God in our schools ..Not that Islam Muslim C**p ..The American Citizens should come before the Refugees .,Last 8 years Obama & Hillary Clinton has put our country through the pits of Hell ,,We Americans Deserve Better …SO IF YOU TRULY LOVE AMERICA on NOVEMBER 8TH you will Vote For DONALD TRUMP!!!!!
Let me sum up the Trump phenomenon:. DONALD TRUMP is raw…. He is coarse….he is loud…. He is rough and at times, he seems impolite…. but HE IS RIGHT!!! We hear him. He is noisy and loud like every powerful force we know. He shakes things up and scares the heck out of people who want to keep America down… especially the thugs that attack the peaceful Trump rally goers. THEY are cowards who attack in packs like hyenas because they are scared and afraid that Mr. Trump will bring America back… that he is waking up the sleeping giant ….who are The AMERICAN PEOPLE who have been put to sleep by the left and the right …. We who have trusted and been lied to for too long… they think they can frighten us and continue to lie to us. But this needs to make our resolve even stronger….the resolve to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! AMERICA NEEDS DONALD TRUMP! We need a man who will do what it takes to win… who puts winning as a priority (because you can not win unless you plan and are determined to do so!) We have had “leaders” for the past 8 years (and more)…and we have suffered because they have not done this… they have lied to us and used us. (that is why our young have become so soft that they need “safety zones” and safe places because words frighten them and the thought of having to win is too much for them to take,). Donald Trump puts himself on the line every day. He challenges America to choose him because if we do…that means that we are willing to do what it takes to make AMERICA GREAT AGAIN …by throwing out the leadership that would have us continue down the road to becoming a second rate nation that has no respect for itself and that can not command respect from any other country . They want us to believe that this country is not special…. that we have no right to expect and to demand more…but THEY ARE WRONG and they have been wrong for a long time . GOD GAVE US THIS NATION AND WE NEED TO TAKE IT BACK AGAIN!, Let me say this one more time, …. Donald Trump is not for the politically correct or those who want objectivity without substance . Donald Trump is for the people of AMERICA. Yes he is raw …he makes mistakes…he is coarse …he is rough…he is loud…he is so honest he makes people cringe….he is impetuous and yes he can be is impolite, ….BUT HE IS RIGHT! HE IS FIGHTING FOR AMERICA…for me and you and our kids and grand kids and the future of this great land of ours. God has set a path before him and he is walking in it. AMERICA NEEDS DONALD TRUMP! We need to support him and pray for him and vote for him. Jeremiah 29:11!!!
President of Russia Putin has a wanted ad out on Soros Dead or Alive and he is paying mega bucks for this Evil Devil
I pray every night that Russia will take him out.The devil in a business suit .
no mystery.
Can’t wait til he is gone. He’s going straight to hell.
The Good Lord Will Deal With Him Soon and its Not Going to Be Pretty.
nothing but a$#%&!@*bastard from a by gone era who needs to be killed!