While Mr. Obama has left office, one of his main benefactors remains on the loose, prepared to wreak havoc on not only American society, but throughout the world. The man being referred to here is George Soros, exponent and financier of leftist causes in the US and worldwide.
This man is becoming increasingly difficult to listen to. His ideas and the directions he would take our nation have never been pleasing to those who appreciate the limited-government ideals embodied in our Constitution. But his ideas aside, just listening to him talk is a chore. Part of that is no doubt due to his advancing age, yet his interviews really consist of him almost babbling, saying little that is of any consequence, and sometimes misunderstanding the questions.
More on one of Soros’ latest interviews is on page two.
Talking about yourself again Soros
Who’s calling the kettle black? You’re the biggest dictator around. Turn this crazy imbecile over to the Russians with his four sons!
Kill this scumbag commie niw
NDAA snatch him up and disappear him to Gitmo
Trump isn’t interested in dictatorship…he wants to make America great again after him Obama and the liberals and Democrats destroyed it for the last 8yrs
Anyone who spends billions to violent protests is areal dictator!!! And Clintons related to him!!! What a disgrace!!
Soros is a$#%&!@*that got rich off the back of his fellow Jew’s, he should be in prison.
I hope Trump deports this terrorist or he has a bad accident like fall off the face of the earth…Soros is pure evil…and made himself wealthy by destroying other countries economies…now he is in the US doing the same thing…Time for him to bust Hell wide open…Sooner the better…Read his books if you want to see how evil he is and his sick plans…
You talking about yourself George.???
And George Soros is a scab on the$#%&!@*of humanity