While Mr. Obama has left office, one of his main benefactors remains on the loose, prepared to wreak havoc on not only American society, but throughout the world. The man being referred to here is George Soros, exponent and financier of leftist causes in the US and worldwide.
This man is becoming increasingly difficult to listen to. His ideas and the directions he would take our nation have never been pleasing to those who appreciate the limited-government ideals embodied in our Constitution. But his ideas aside, just listening to him talk is a chore. Part of that is no doubt due to his advancing age, yet his interviews really consist of him almost babbling, saying little that is of any consequence, and sometimes misunderstanding the questions.
More on one of Soros’ latest interviews is on page two.
No no you are the dictator you the one that trying destroy our country they need lock u up for treason, Hillary ,Obama, John Kerry ,and the rest of your imps.
True, but one problem is that he has sons who will carry on.
It won’t happen, I hate to tell him that. We will not have the globalism and the New World order right now. We are going to prosper like we’ve never prospered before.
We So Love our Great President Trump!!! Soros is so jealous it’s pitiful
Spoken like true NiZi SS member Soro’s was and probably still is.
This guy has one foot in the grave already……hopefully the next one will enter….it will be a good riddance
He was a Member of$#%&!@*s SS.and sent thousands of Jewish people to the gas chambers.
And you George are a Communist. Which is worse?
Arrest Soros and hand him over to the Russians