Most might attribute Soros’ disastrous actions in Europe to his extremely leftist political ideology, but now it looks as if there might be a more devious reason behind the billionaire’s European meddling.
A lot can be learned about a man based on his money, and George Soros looks as if he’s betting on the collapse of Europe — the collapse he seems to be funding under the guise of liberal policies.
Is there any doubt that George Soros is a raging leftist? Of course not. All this is is an admission that even he knows that his far-left immigration stance is destroying the continent. But hey, at least he can profit. That seems to be all he cares about. Meanwhile, European citizens have seen their communities turn into havens of rape, crime, and chaos.
See the shocking report about Soros’ secret money on the next page:
Lock him up and throw away the key! Heard enough about him!
Nothing can be done about him?
Drone his$#%&!@*!!
All country’s have them, not to hard,
Would expect from a$#%&!@*he probably lick$#%&!@*s boots one time
Jail him
This is what Soros does. He finances and creates chaos in western countries to cause a collapse that he has hedge bet on and cashes in big time on the resulting destruction of democracy and the misery of people. He is currently doing the same thing right here in the U.S. yet no one has the balls to confront him.
This satanic$#%&!@*must be KILLED !!!!!
If Europe collapses due to George Soros antics, he should be hunted
Wouldn’t it be a shame it he collapsed first from a bad heart or something
This is what he wants to happen in the USA. He is paying people to start a CIVIL WAR. Wake up American’s this can’t happen here.