Just a week before the Environmental Protection Agency spilled millions of gallons of highly toxic waste into The Animas River, a retired geologist published a letter in a local Colorado newspaper that detailed a manner by which the EPA planned on intentionally contaminating the river.
The July 30th letter authored by Dave Taylor and published in The Silverton Standard & The Miner was correct on several points, but actually underestimated the size of the disaster.
See letter next page:
The prisons are going to be full of Obama henchmen and hench women !
EPA needs to be closed
Our steel mills were closed down for this . close the epa .
Trust your government folks. Corrupt from top to bottom.
When is anarchy not anarchy do you know.
Prediction after the fact???
The letter and warning was written a week prior to the spill and the geologist told in the letter exactly what the EPA was gonna do and why!
Treason for obumba. Treason.Take back our country.
They need to be investigated by the FBI