Just a week before the Environmental Protection Agency spilled millions of gallons of highly toxic waste into The Animas River, a retired geologist published a letter in a local Colorado newspaper that detailed a manner by which the EPA planned on intentionally contaminating the river.
The July 30th letter authored by Dave Taylor and published in The Silverton Standard & The Miner was correct on several points, but actually underestimated the size of the disaster.
See letter next page:
The EPA caused this disaster, as the other folks said, to shut down mining in that area! Never mind the fact the wildlife, ranchers and farmers need that water, and, I think some of it goes into various communities as city water, too! This is an open attack against the American people—never mind the contractor–he can be dealt with very handily–go after the “aministration,” and string up that harlot who is the head of EPA, then shut down the entire agency!
They already have!
A third of the waters were made bitter. js
And we the people have to realize that their DESTROYING THIS PLANET ! Time for us to wake up and arrest those who are doing this while this planet depends on us.
God’s word… man will destroy himself.
Evil is evil does
Shutdown EPA and repeel all EPA regs. this will help put America back to work. Oh yea, git rid of IRS also. EPA and IRS are the biggest job loosers in the US!
Of course they did, they need to create as many catastrophes as possible to implement martial law so that Obama can stay in the Oval office!
He nailed it.