This video details how to make a super-efficient water heater thermo siphoning process. Not only are all the parts he uses cheap or free discards, the project does not need electricity or solar power.
To match this video you will need:
Copper Tubing
Stove Pipe
Water heater
And of course, water and something to burn.
See the process video after the break and then get started on your own source of endless hot water:
@[1788811025:2048:Lee Thorson]
@[100000222673235:2048:Justin Stripe]….could this work?
It would work till the government decides it is not making money off of it and makes a new tax. Nope, just a metal bucket fire and water. You will have all the hot water you want without going to prison for making a shine still.
@[605162897:2048:Travis Miller], @[100001576153867:2048:Shawn Bilby]
@[1657161428:2048:Jodie Morton]
I dont wanna break down my whiskey still to do this!
except it requires material to burn. Putting smoke in the air, and particles. Solar energy would be much better (a heater run on solar, or even this device in the sunlight, focused with a lens?)
Hmmmm works pretty much the same as a water heater except burning garbage instead of natural gas….stupid…hahaha
@[1105470075:2048:Kasey Adams]
the idea, is not to burn anything….solar, is much easier.