This video details how to make a super-efficient water heater thermo siphoning process. Not only are all the parts he uses cheap or free discards, the project does not need electricity or solar power.
To match this video you will need:
Copper Tubing
Stove Pipe
Water heater
And of course, water and something to burn.
See the process video after the break and then get started on your own source of endless hot water:
All well and good till you steam all the water and it pressurizes and becomes a bomb
Followed this guy for years. He is good.
U peeps saying people been heating water with fire for ever your stupid. Obviously you are cause you fail to see its a regenerating system so he can have hot water all day if used right not just a pan. And the fact it’s a rocket m$#%&!@* style furnace set up means it burns less wood huh stuck in a box much. Or don’t mind cutting down trees that help u breath!!!!
Why is going back to being a cave man a good idea?
Endless hot water – with wood…
I made something similar once only instead of hot water coming out lukewarm whiskey came out
We broke down a few years ago and bought a hot water stove heats our furnace in the winter and our hot water year round this is a cheaper way of doing it but still a good idea and we don’t burn much wood to keep everything hot. Oh and we completely stopped using propane when we did it so even figuring in the cost of cutting wood it payed for itself in the money we saved within a three year period it may be old school but using today’s technology to control the burn makes it highly efficient
We made this 50 years ago to heat our water on camping trips with copper coil,5 gallon bucket,metal,didn’t have plastic then and a campfire
It’s like magic! Kids and their crazy new fangled ideas these days!
Looks like the worm on a still