This video details how to make a super-efficient water heater thermo siphoning process. Not only are all the parts he uses cheap or free discards, the project does not need electricity or solar power.
To match this video you will need:
Copper Tubing
Stove Pipe
Water heater
And of course, water and something to burn.
See the process video after the break and then get started on your own source of endless hot water:
Coil be nice to moonshine making , but for this actually work effective it have be more adequate
Like it be easier to just affix the water tank (after bared) to top of heat source (furnace) add few pressure release valves
Then run it through 3″ copper tubing just below evry window there you go , heat and hot water for baths etc
Logan Butts Cooper Butts
What do you ned a water heater for? I thought thats what you’re trying to replace? Ohhh wait! You mean an insulated water tank.
Excellent idea! Especially for camping
Great…. add this to my cardboard house…
Livin off the grid. It’s coming
old wood fired cook stoves ( some ) had water jacket an tank –worked on same princible