This video details how to make a super-efficient water heater thermo siphoning process. Not only are all the parts he uses cheap or free discards, the project does not need electricity or solar power.
To match this video you will need:
Copper Tubing
Stove Pipe
Water heater
And of course, water and something to burn.
See the process video after the break and then get started on your own source of endless hot water:
Fire heats up water, the hell you say.
If anyone asks this is what your doing Shaun Cassidy
Appreciate that Dylan I thought you was the boss and you gave that to me to make something special under your orders lmfao
Im just trying to learn more about plumbing lmao
$#%&!@*in love it s/o would probably believe that $#%&!@* too
Some the comments on here amaze me. The man said this is for an off the grid situation. When you do not have a choice of electricity. Our society is doomed based off some of the ignorant comments on this post.
Matthew, too bad we cant burn anything in this trailer park… thanks for thinking of me though!
Practical preppers
Hmmm…… last time I made something that looked like that it wasn’t hot water I had in mind……..