This video details how to make a super-efficient water heater thermo siphoning process. Not only are all the parts he uses cheap or free discards, the project does not need electricity or solar power.
To match this video you will need:
Copper Tubing
Stove Pipe
Water heater
And of course, water and something to burn.
See the process video after the break and then get started on your own source of endless hot water:
my woodstove was made 40 years ago with pipes inside the your hot water tank had hot water and heat your house.
Go ahead and do this. Want to take a shower, go outside start the fire, run in start your shower, stop, go outside restock the fire, finish shower and hope the water stays hot enough because there is enough time in the coil to transfer the heat. Oh and the electrical heater probably costs you about $10 a month.
Tesla coils is the answer to free energy read his books. the government’s got all the details and destroyed the only one ever built
A little to dumb to do this, like most people
How is the electrical heater going to work in a power outage or grid down? It won’t. And you don’t shower with that hot of water. Heat it, and keep it cycleing until the water coming out of the tank to the coil is at the right temp then enjoy.
How does the water get I to the coils? Just gravity fed in?
Kind like a hot water heater heats water with fire.
Nick Jans somthing like this.
I saw this months ago n***a! Chris Gerber