At what point does the Obama Administrations social agenda start to become dangerous? What we’ve seen in the streets of Ferguson and Baltimore are only the tip of the ice-berg.
Whatever malice doesn’t turn physical, takes some other form of aggression, like what took place in Oregon over the refusal of a wedding cake.
Point being, all American citizens see is what’s being televised, which doesn’t include what’s currently happening in the military, where President Obama’s social experiments are degrading a readiness to defend the country.
Keep Reading on the NEXT PAGE.
It is pretty hard to take a stance that will destroy your own life without being sure you can make a difference.
Guess we won’t have any Military Leaders due to we don’t have a government that cares about anything but stopping Trump.
Sad sad
Angel Toro We’ll just have to wait and see how powerful the U.N. and its leader becomes in the future, won’t we? Trump is trying to stifle the globalists’ plans to put America under the auspices of the U.N. along with the rest of the world. Why do you think they hate him so much? Only the blind are blindsided….
That’s called a military coup, and they don’t have the guts to start a revolution. Remember, they’re TRAINED to obey their Commander-in-Chief.
Exactly. I finally came to the same conclusion….
Why are y’all made at Obama u need to be made at the people of the United States who voted for gay marriage now u have a lgbt community but u mad at Obama for allowing them in the military stop it y’all should be mad about gays being on tv kids seeing it thinking it’s ok I dnt here y’all talkin bout fox or abc but you want Obama impeached for going along with what the majority of this country wants
7 years later, these military politicians tell us what we’ve known for 5 years. They’ve failed in their oath of enlistment. To protect and defend the constitution against ALL enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. Obama and his cabinet have been flaunting their hated for our country and our Constitution in our faces and all the military leaders did was go along with the program. I served in the army proudly and took that oath very literally. Had I known that or military leaders were just politicians in uniform, who are all about their cushy desk jobs, sucking up to an anti American president, I don’t know that I’d have enlisted.
Why do we have a Congress? What do they do? What are they doing about this? What are they even suppose to be doing??? What are they being paid to do?? All I can see is that they sit at the table and collect their ‘pay’!! Cant name one thing they have done for America, or even one thing they have stopped that is against America……..but yet we still pay them…WHY???
Cone on home then youre still a large appreciated part of the worlds largest standing army ARMED americans
U tell them sir they sit on their but and let him destroy us all