At what point does the Obama Administrations social agenda start to become dangerous? What we’ve seen in the streets of Ferguson and Baltimore are only the tip of the ice-berg.
Whatever malice doesn’t turn physical, takes some other form of aggression, like what took place in Oregon over the refusal of a wedding cake.
Point being, all American citizens see is what’s being televised, which doesn’t include what’s currently happening in the military, where President Obama’s social experiments are degrading a readiness to defend the country.
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This congress is useless!!!!!
Shoot him dead like the non american enemy he is if he is intentionally destroying our soviegnty our military our gun rights this pos is no potus what the$#%&!@*is he????? Say it america scream it!!
Only one man has the authority to arrest the president “Paul Ryan”
If Obama was removed you would have Joe Biden man talk about a$#%&!@*head. Is it me or does it seem like over the last 15 years all the laws executive orders everything is to maintain continuity of government during a serious event?
Well there’s a news flash! Duh!
Stop with the damm warnings already and use the constitution to fix it all, !! The world is laughing at america,,,,
Well shot him. Do it for all of us
Our Republican Congress has allowed this. I truly believe the only way out for America is to Vote for DONALD TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Do something or we won’t have a country.