At what point does the Obama Administrations social agenda start to become dangerous? What we’ve seen in the streets of Ferguson and Baltimore are only the tip of the ice-berg.
Whatever malice doesn’t turn physical, takes some other form of aggression, like what took place in Oregon over the refusal of a wedding cake.
Point being, all American citizens see is what’s being televised, which doesn’t include what’s currently happening in the military, where President Obama’s social experiments are degrading a readiness to defend the country.
Keep Reading on the NEXT PAGE.
These generals are weak, lime the rest of government. I can’t understand why congress and the Senate continues to say yes to anything this muslim pos President wants. No matter how bizarre. They even let these assholes rob our Social security money. That was our money that we had been making contributions for decades. Who the hell are they to touch our money. It’s not theirs to touch. Now they’re talking about there might not be enough money for the people when they! He is destroying this country in every area. It’s everyone blind? WELL ARE YOU???? WHAT’S WRONG WITH EVERYONE? shm in disgust and shame.
These generals are weak, like the rest of lying thieving government. I can’t understand why congress and the Senate continue to say yes to anything this “Muslim” pos President wants. No matter how bizarre. They even let these assholes rob our Social security money. That was our money that we had been making contributions for decades. Who the hell are they to touch our money. It’s not theirs to touch. Now they’re talking about there might not be enough money for the people when they! He is destroying this country in every area. It’s everyone blind? WELL ARE YOU???? WHAT’S WRONG WITH EVERYONE? shm in disgust and shame.
Bill Stark The BC thing is not true. Do some research.
tell us American citizens something we don’t know.
Robert Oler thank you smart$#%&!@* I’m asking a question bc no one seems to do it. Who impeached the senators or FBI? Do u know Robert?
time he goes
We know!!!!
Why does people Aways say Obama needs to wake up? He has been Awake since predentsy
Been Awake while PRESIDENT years I think it’s the people that needs to wake up vote Donald Trump