At what point does the Obama Administrations social agenda start to become dangerous? What we’ve seen in the streets of Ferguson and Baltimore are only the tip of the ice-berg.
Whatever malice doesn’t turn physical, takes some other form of aggression, like what took place in Oregon over the refusal of a wedding cake.
Point being, all American citizens see is what’s being televised, which doesn’t include what’s currently happening in the military, where President Obama’s social experiments are degrading a readiness to defend the country.
Keep Reading on the NEXT PAGE.
Roy, over the past few years it has been proven to anyone who is objective that the values we treasure have been replaced. If you are a liar & take the 5Th bc U are guilty of a crime, U are rewarded with a higher position & an increase in pay, then we have the people who have told the truth & they are fired, authority is taken away & they are demoted. This administration looks congress & the American people in the face with snug smiles of pure arrogance bc they know they will never be punished. We, the people or should I say a majority of the people voted this president in office for two terms. Would it have made a difference if they knew he & his while administration were busy covering up the truth about Bengazi ?? There are a lot of people who believe their lies as truth & refuse to be objective in their thinking!
Also the talk about uniting the people is impossible & this country is paying a huge price for their support of lawlessness.
Our country is in deep trouble bc so many people have turned their back on God. The devil & his lies in religion & the government is winning among a majority of our population & God who has all authority may give them what they believe they want. God in His finesse judgement uses Evil to punish Evil. He is a loving God of grace but He will not tolerate a country full of idol worshipers, dead gods, & people making the temporary things of this world more important than our Lord Jesus Christ. I along with other Christians pray for our country to turn to God but He gave us free will to make the decision for or against Him. He has blessed this nation more than any in history.
Sorry, should have been his whole administration
What;s new, dude? The congress Media and military each could have stopped Obama. But what have all three been doing? Smothering Obama with TLC from head to toes!!
and yes the senate an the bothh houses democrats and repuplicans new what was coming and of the judisal cout my as well nix it out as long as you got loreta lynch on there obamas kitten
TRUMP ALL the WAY ! Why you ask = Congress (Loaded with mozlems and Friggin Lame Old Brain Dead Asses )SUCKS as BAD as obummer and changes in Congress NEED to be made. Like ALL of them GONE and REPLACED with people that Care about us and this country. White House (Loaded with mozlems) obummer & his mozlems & Refugees & ILLEGALS are our BIGGEST Threat ! obummer ISN’T concerned about protecting the American people and it looks like our so called representatives don’t care either ! obummer ONLY cares about his mozlems , Refugees and ILLEGALS. obummer is without a DOUBT WORSE then any President we have EVER had or EVER could have . obummers Legacy = obummer is the BIGGEST and WORST FAILURE this country has EVER had but that’s all you an expect when a bunch of IGNORANT / Brain Dead / MORONS put an ILLEGAL ALIEN / mozlem TRAITOR in the White House…..SCREW his mozlems and him and the ILLEGALS and his Refugees and the GUN CONTROL so his mozlems can Take Over !!!
The military’s ” commander in chief” IS Obama. Michelle is right !! We don’t know what happened to the traitor he got back for several terrorist he released bc he doesn’t want us to understand how stupid this is. BUT, a person serving our country in the military who failed to obey orders, what do u think would happen to him or her. I think that’s why he charged Patraus ( spelled wrong) bc he refused to go a long with the lies & cover up of Bengazi. We the people have the Vote & that’s it. Congress has the authority to remove him from office & we know they have piles of info. To use, but think about it, between the news media & Obama’s push on dividing this country on race, He could cause a war right here in the U.S., of course, he’s not finished yet.
Angel Toro Really?? Wait and see!
Then the military needs to$#%&!@*him out on impeachment charges.
My sentiment
Who voted for him twice?