The hostile feelings going around seem to be spreading to the military, so much so that the brass have had to go out of their way to address them.
Thanks in no small part to the condescending rhetoric of President Obama and his fellow liberals, political discourse has plunged to unprecedented depths of hatred and intolerance. Instead of trying to refute the arguments put forward by Donald Trump and Republicans, progressives seek to discredit them by calling them names and claiming that they pose a direct threat to their fellow Americans.
The fruit of this toxic harvest is a highly-polarized environment in which long-standing, non-partisan institutions find themselves embroiled in conflict as they break down along political lines. It’s sad to think this is what it has come to, but believe it or not, it may get even worse if something isn’t done soon.
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Howard Cogburn The global plan is : Remove whites/blacks from globe. They will never allow themselves to be mind controlled slaves without a revolt. Replace with culture already exposed to what creates easy slaves: abuse, child rape, child kill that have been exposed to$#%&!@*for centuries as well as traumatized by constant war & constant fear of death. It’s why they want us to war. Do their dirty work. What is going on – REALLY going on is so evil it seem fictional.
Most of them will not revolt. We have good young men who have decided to serve this country and honor the leader of the same.
Revolt? The military loves Trump!
I’m willing to bet that that bull$#%&!@*he was spouting had quite the opposite effect he was hoping for,we’re I still active,that is not a directive I could “in good conscience ” follow,and I doubt,from watching the looks on the troops faces as they listened,the troops will either.
General , you talkin about oscummer or Mr. Trump ?
That’s not revolt, general. That’s the stirrings of a new hope and rekindling of a new pride in our young men and women who are suffering under the current administration. As for the military not becoming politicized…..well too late. That happened when Obama starting forcing out hundreds of generals and admirals who know that their first duty is to serve and protect….this country and it’s citizens. And now we’re left with the Obama butt lickers in charge. Do you really think our good soldiers don’t understand this? Don’t insult their intelligence and patriotism and don’t belittle their sacrifices by suggesting chain of command as first duty. It’s too bad the chain of command seems to have forgotten first duty….protect and serve. Why don’t you try encouraging this burgeoning hope and take care of your troops?
Betray our oaths and compromise our values…. Sir, your P.O.G. is showing
If anyone doest want to serve, give them a way out, a dishonorable discharge.
I dont know one person in the service you respects or likes Obama. Hate is a word that I have heard alot.
Why would they “revolt”? Is there still a chance that the demoncrats can steal the election?