The hostile feelings going around seem to be spreading to the military, so much so that the brass have had to go out of their way to address them.
Thanks in no small part to the condescending rhetoric of President Obama and his fellow liberals, political discourse has plunged to unprecedented depths of hatred and intolerance. Instead of trying to refute the arguments put forward by Donald Trump and Republicans, progressives seek to discredit them by calling them names and claiming that they pose a direct threat to their fellow Americans.
The fruit of this toxic harvest is a highly-polarized environment in which long-standing, non-partisan institutions find themselves embroiled in conflict as they break down along political lines. It’s sad to think this is what it has come to, but believe it or not, it may get even worse if something isn’t done soon.
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Obama is taking his lead from a muslim president in africa that is refusing to leave office after 20 plus years .This guy lost the election there in an honest election but is still fighting to hold power.obama is causing havoc around the world trying for his king seat of some country and to lead his merry band of killing muslims .Its time america woke up .Trump is the only way to save america and if obama and soros and the democrats continue ,trason charges .yes we have military and i dont mean the UN .i dont think even obama is stupid enough to try tyranny
They know Trump is with them.It’s only a matter of a short time til they will be helped. I don’t know if I can believe this.
Against Obama? That would be ok, against Trump no, and I don’t believe they are.
Troops will not revolt . How stupid is this f**e news
Oh please revolt against Opussy
I havent met one military person in my life that even thought about voting for Hillary.
F**e news!! Obummer is the one hated!!!
Read about Brennan and his conversion to Islam…and Obama has inserted over a hundred Moslem Brotherhood jihadists into management positions in the CIA and as many in Homeland security! Google it and read.
Yes you have matt