A gay man from Canton Michigan is suing 2 large Christian publishers for the “mental anguish” he suffers due to the verses that talk about homosexuality in a negative manner.
In something that only could be dreamed up in leftist la la land, Bradley LaShawn Fowler is claiming that their particular versions violate his Constitutional rights and have caused “20 years of emotional duress and mental instability” due to the backlash he suffers from his family for living a gay lifestyle.
And the judge?
Either because he’s black, $#%&!@*sexual, or ignorant ! Hard choice!
What will he say when he stands before God on judgement day ??????????
He should be made President of the idiot club.
Patricia, are you sueing someone because the Bible says something you don’t agree with? That post wasn’t meant for you…
I would gladly give my Bible to anyone that truly needs one…
You are truly garbage.
Hell is just getting hotter for these Jesus haters
Too bad $#%&!@*s! I’m keeping my bigoted, $#%&!@*phobic, intolerant, narrow minded, and hateful KJV edition, If you want to read a p$#%&!@*age that Sodom and Gomorrah was the Studio 54 of God’s eyes, and he rained down skittles and m&ms, because it was so fabulous. Lot and his wife didn’t flee Sodom. He was banished for being a hateful bigot, (after he lost a big lawsuit), because he wouldn’t let the $#%&!@*s party with the Angels sent by God.
The words in the Bible can’t be changed to fit your needs so get over it
Please advice me on Who and Where to go to file Suit against every Mosque in our Country. … They Offend to the Highest and I want them Gone!
These people are Satan’s Advocates!