A gay man from Canton Michigan is suing 2 large Christian publishers for the “mental anguish” he suffers due to the verses that talk about homosexuality in a negative manner.
In something that only could be dreamed up in leftist la la land, Bradley LaShawn Fowler is claiming that their particular versions violate his Constitutional rights and have caused “20 years of emotional duress and mental instability” due to the backlash he suffers from his family for living a gay lifestyle.
And the judge?
Can I sue you Ginger for pushing your biblical agenda in my face?
The funniest part of this story is that it’s not true, never happened, a lie, completely made up.
Faggets will do anything for a buck.
GET LOST $#%&!@*.
Wow that is like suing GOD. Would not want to be in your shoes or the judge if he or she rules in your favor.
You should try reading the bible. The NEW testament says no such thing.
Why don’t you keep your sex preference in your bedroom. You won’t have to answer to me, you will answer to GOD.
Am I ?
How long and how many nights did this douchebag stay up at night to think of this rediculous claim?
Everyone is trying to get money from. Innocent people