A gay man from Canton Michigan is suing 2 large Christian publishers for the “mental anguish” he suffers due to the verses that talk about homosexuality in a negative manner.
In something that only could be dreamed up in leftist la la land, Bradley LaShawn Fowler is claiming that their particular versions violate his Constitutional rights and have caused “20 years of emotional duress and mental instability” due to the backlash he suffers from his family for living a gay lifestyle.
And the judge?
It made me wet when I watched this movie.
You are looking in the wrong Bible read the KIng James Bible. The Lord loves everybody he ask you to except him as your Lord and Savior and live for him so you can go to Heaven and be with him I will pray for you.
get a f—— job stop being a free loader
I wouldn’t sell my Bible for all the money in the world because it is Gods word. Thank you anyway
oh good greef get a life you stupied morion god said this many yrs ago you want to sue god , now thats getting low
Afraid to face the truth.
This is stupid. Can we sue the gay for being gay? I think we should
Idc! This is still one if the hottest pictures I have next to the half-naked angel in heaven lulz!
Hey Chris, having pseudo sex in parades, in PUBLIC is in my face…. I’m part of the public.