Once again, the liberal media is proving that there’s no such thing as unbiased news reporting. In the wake of all the cases involving same-sex couples being turned down by county clerks and businesses, it would seem the tables have been drastically turned. This time it’s a gay judge refusing to perform straight weddings. And what are the legal repercussions for such an act? The answer is simple . . . nothing. Where’s the outrage? Where’s the government interference? It’s non-existent, because they’re pretending the problem doesn’t exist.
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Get her off the bench!
She needs to be kicked off the bench and fired
Hell no! Then preachers can refuse gays and bakers no gay cakes etc!
Take her license nowwwwwwwww
Liberal hypocrisy
Who cares! There are plenty of other judges.
What next? Only black female gay couples? Where does it end? What happened to equal rights and no prejudice, or does that only apply to whites?
Well isn’t she just so special… A judge??????
Sick God said there would be a time like this