Texas judge, Tonya Parker claims her decision to refuse straight marriages is her opportunity to teach straight couples a lesson about equality in marriage. Why is it that when the shoes are turned it garners a storm of media attention and lawyers get involved?
The Dallas County Judge Tonya Parker explained her decision at a monthly meeting for the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas.
“I do not perform them because it is not an equal application of the law. Period,” she said, according to the Dallas Voice, a newspaper for the gay community.
Parker is believed to be the first openly “gay” African-American elected official in the history of the state, according to NY Daily news.
Parker told the audience that while she refuses to conduct the ceremonies, she explains her reasoning to the couples.
“I use it as my opportunity to give them a lesson about marriage equality in the state because I feel like I have to tell them why I’m turning them away,” she said.
Why can’t anybody see how lopsided equality politics are getting? This is something that people need to make noise over. It was reversed, you can be sure they would. A recent case involving Kim Davis, a Kentucky county clerk was jailed Thursday, after pulling the same act against same-sex marriages. Where’s the outrage?
Source: thepcmdgazette.com
Remove her from the bench. It is not her job to make law.
Gay, stupid and liberal is no way to go through life.
Yeh that works for libs but dont let a conservative try that on LGBTs!
Where is the outrage?
I bet she wouldn’t bake them a cake either if she was a baker…. hmmmm. Anyone else detecting a double standard here?
Your fired
Garbage. Untrue
Where do these idiots come from
I know she wasn’t a judge, the idea is the same. There is a double standard.
If this is true then the judge needs to be removed from the bench. I’ll guarantee that any judge, gay or straight, who refused to perform gay marriages would be punished to the full extent of the law immediately. WAKE UP AMERICA!!