The radical LGBT group, Human Rights Campaign, is hate-filled bully. Nothing but their selfish agenda matters, as all must think like them and accept them while any other belief is bigotry in their eyes.
After a coast to coast win for LGBT rights in the Supreme Court case of Obergefell v. Hodges decision that mandated homosexual marriage for all 50 States, this hardcore activist group now wants to target Christian Universities and Colleges.
In 1972, Title IX amendments prohibited sexual discrimination in hiring, housing, and employment at schools receiving federal funds, while allowing religious schools to opt out of these requirements.
Certainly this right is protected under the First Amendment, so as to not impede the free exercise of religion on Christian campuses, yet the LGBT agenda will stop at nothing to force all who hold a different viewpoint, based on their religious beliefs, to submit.
Read how Christian campuses must fight this well funded and angry bully in order to uphold their religious freedoms as protected under the First.
Why are you so bitter? Apparently, you are young or youngish and to get a bitter attitude in such a short life, is, is amazing. Why in the world would you choose to hate me? I don’t know who you are, but Beverly just suppose I’m right! Then what? for me, I’m with my Savior in Heaven. On the other hand, what if I am living a pipe dream? Have I lost anything? I’m happy in my my choice for Jesus so I win either way. You had rather I be dead or bitter like you? Surely, even you can see the difference. Your faith or lack thereof is not my problem. It is between you and Your Savior(if you choose)so forgive me if I have distressed you with the way I choose to live my life. I wish for you, happiness. I have no ax to grind with you and I pray you don’t have one to grind with me. Goodbye.
Between your uneducated ignorant comments and your stupid memes I can see you aren’t educated beyond a grade school level. The fact that you don’t have the intelligence to actually read the story yet comment about something you obviously have no knowledge in is astounding in itself let alone the blatant stupidity of your comments themselves. Hate crime??? Idiot who didn’t read the story just looked at the pretty pictures lol your opinion, you are allowed but you have no education in regards to law which I do since I worked for a law firm for years and your comment is out right uneducated. The fact that you think it’s true shows your intelligence to be a grease school level. I don’t know what you think I am afraid of since I have little to no fears. You say I’m losing my rights but again another uneducated comment since as I assuming you assume I’m gay but in fact that’s the farthest from the truth since I am in a fantastic straight relationship and very much in love with an amazing man. I think the one who needs to take a chill pill is you since you haven’t stopped for one second in your stupidity to actually contribute something of value to this thread in any way.
When making comments to others at least have the intellect to
Did you get all that you half wit or are you not intelligent enough to comprehend the simplicity of my comment?
Bitter? Why because I think you’re a complete idiot you call me bitter. Bahahaha bitter, anger, or battered are not things that I possess lol hate you. Hate hate hate is that all you think about. Do you feel threatened and hated because of your ignorance maybe you shouldn’t be such a idiot to others and you won’t feel that way. You have no concept of the real world and the people in outside of your small town mentality and narrow minded point of view. I consider you to be very uneducated in the comment you’ve made since in fact you do not know what others are thinking obviously and shouldn’t comment stupidly. I don’t find my so called lack of faith driving me crazy at all uneducated comment… There are many gods and many faiths besides your stolen mythology to believe in yet you are so narrow minded you think everyone should be following yours. Why would anyone want to follow such a hateful, judgemental religion who’s followers are more Neanderthal than the morons who wrote it to control the sheeple such as yourself. You are right, you don’t know me or my life so why don’t we leave the guessing game out of it since you don’t have the intellect for that either. FYI I am young 40 and retired and living an amazing life, one of which you could only dream.
I think you are obsessed with you stupidity lol you didn’t read the article yet commented I called you on it and you commented again stupidly lol you defend your ignorance and stupidity by attempting to call out mine yet have only made yourself look like a complete moron for continuing without reading the story lol the bible says the bible say Bahahaha if you are so simple minded you need a book of children’s stories written to control sheeple to govern your life or how you treat others then you are more Neanderthal than the idiots that wrote it lol I love the cherry on top …you had to like on your own comment Bahahaha fukn harious yes you like the comment moron you fukn wrote it Smfh lost you’re just so lost lol
Please tell me where a Christmas tree is Christian?? Do you even know why Christians celebrate this holiday on this day? Do you know when Jesus was really born? Do you know what this hi day was before half witted Christians decided to make it on this day and why? Please research the answer to the questions I’ve presented to you then you might have half the intellect to properly answer your own question lol FYI I really expected better from you but after seeing your Facebook pictures I can understand better why you have the intelligence of a child and debate as such lol again moron read the story and then you may not sound this absolutely ridiculous lol
And one talks again. I can see who
And one talks again. We can see who the bigo÷t .and lies one tell their self that’s far from the truth. It seems that your the one that has the hate that comes from your fingertips. I wouldn’t want to here the words that come from your mouth you must need a lot of paper to wipe your mouth every time you open it. You must spend a lot of money on paper.
Lmao you’re to easy
Are you a complete illiterate. You sound like you didn’t even finish grade school let alone high school lol. The bigotry is you for condoning others for how they live their life. The lies come from you who still talk a big talk but obviously have no credibility to back their idiocy. Please go back to school and get a proper education before making dumb comments lol of you don’t have the intelligence to form a simple sentence maybe you shut up before you make yourself look even more dumb.