The radical LGBT group, Human Rights Campaign, is hate-filled bully. Nothing but their selfish agenda matters, as all must think like them and accept them while any other belief is bigotry in their eyes.
After a coast to coast win for LGBT rights in the Supreme Court case of Obergefell v. Hodges decision that mandated homosexual marriage for all 50 States, this hardcore activist group now wants to target Christian Universities and Colleges.
In 1972, Title IX amendments prohibited sexual discrimination in hiring, housing, and employment at schools receiving federal funds, while allowing religious schools to opt out of these requirements.
Certainly this right is protected under the First Amendment, so as to not impede the free exercise of religion on Christian campuses, yet the LGBT agenda will stop at nothing to force all who hold a different viewpoint, based on their religious beliefs, to submit.
Read how Christian campuses must fight this well funded and angry bully in order to uphold their religious freedoms as protected under the First.
You don’t see me posting pictures of your fat homely wife and retarded in reed children lol you can dish it out but are a pansy when it comes to taking some back. Grow a real pair hillbilly then maybe you can have a simple debate without having to be a degenerate.
If telling the truth is judging thent here must be another meanig to truth. IIF i am ignorant, I’d rather be ignorant than be living in abomination. God bless you too.
Hey isn’t that a hate crime
You had what right lol piece- means a part of something. peace – to be tranquil how did you have it right?
So you are ignorant since you didn’t read the article at all just commenting like a bigot for your own ego nothing more. Funny how being gay is an abomination yet you think invest is ok. Yes you are ignorant lol both to others and to your own religion. Didn’t you learn anything from the teachings of god and the bible? Judge not lest he be judged. It’s not your place to judge anyone for how they choose to live their lives. If we all have to face god in the end then it is him who will judge not some random nobody with a narrow mind.
But notice how they SAY nothing and DO nothing about Muslims who throw them off of tall buildings and stone them to death if they survive the impact. But hey, bully the Christians who simply DISAGREE with you! The whole gay thing in this country is nothing more than an aggressive politicized ideology and has nothing to do with gay rights. If it really were, they’d be up in arms over the atrocities committed against homosexuals by ISIS in particular, and Islam in general.
That’s not very tolerant Beverly..
In the end which may not be long they will regret their deviate life.
As they do against Christians so they are cursed to a spiritual death